1. Umo akan cecah 25 tahun depan. Perlu menjadi semakin matang,bijak,better dr semalam.
2. 28 Januari 2008- mula kehidupan sebagai pekerja cdpu maxis. semoga semakin maju ke hadapan hidup. Saya semakin bahagia. Akan mendapat ramai kawan baru. Dapat mengumpul duit untuk sy bg duit kt my parents, beli kereta baru, and vacation. insyaallah
3. Semoga tahun 2010 adalah tahun yang betuah untuk sy dan kawan2 baik sy. Moga jmpa jodoh...heheheehe
4. Saya nak balas jasa orang tua saya.
5. Saya perlu lebih byk besabar dan menerima apa jua challenge yg ada sepanjang 2010!
p/s: saya byk buat salah kepada kawan baik sy, sy harap sy akan menjadi org yg lebih baik dr semalam...wish u all the best for 2010 my beloved fren.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Fasa2 seorg student utk bertukar status menjadi pekerja
pening kepala aku nk pikirkan byk benda nk dibuat dlm satu mase
1. Research=belom siap kena oter questionare!ade ms tiga minggu je lagi nk kena submit!!
2. Vacation=clash dgn event wedding fair aku kena in charge dh consider my responsible coz i bkn lg bdk pektical tp dh jd staff...ish mcm ne la aku nk skip ni and bg alasan yg kukuh kt bos.
3. Event=next week g outstation seminggu tp xpe la kt kedah kt kg halaman aku..hehehe.cume kene stat learning from zero about facilities n infrastruktur!ahhhhh...tension!!
4. Duit=paling penting skali tuk aku buat sume benda diatas tuh!!sumenye perlukan duit...aku dh jd gilo pikir sume nih!!!!!!tolong..............
1. Research=belom siap kena oter questionare!ade ms tiga minggu je lagi nk kena submit!!
2. Vacation=clash dgn event wedding fair aku kena in charge dh consider my responsible coz i bkn lg bdk pektical tp dh jd staff...ish mcm ne la aku nk skip ni and bg alasan yg kukuh kt bos.
3. Event=next week g outstation seminggu tp xpe la kt kedah kt kg halaman aku..hehehe.cume kene stat learning from zero about facilities n infrastruktur!ahhhhh...tension!!
4. Duit=paling penting skali tuk aku buat sume benda diatas tuh!!sumenye perlukan duit...aku dh jd gilo pikir sume nih!!!!!!tolong..............
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
kenapa hidup ni perlu dibanding-bandingkan?
aku xpenah mintak utk celebrate bufday aku or wishing somebody will have a surprise party...tp aku btol2 terima kasih kpd sume kwn2 yg wish my bufday dan yg memberi hadiah xkire mcm ne pon hadiah tu dan org yg btol2 ikhlas nk hepi kan aku on my bufday....aku juz wondering kalo korg jd bufday girl or bufday boy org buat birthday party mesti best kan?tp aku?dont know....mybe org juz tpakse atau pun krg ikhlas nk celebrate my bufday...aku dr kecik smp skag mak bapak aku xpenah buat birthday party atau ape2 pon...aku orgnya sgt simple dan xcomplicated jenis xkisah pon kalo xd kek and seriusly aku xterase pun kalo org xbelikan kek tp ble ade org nk celebrate birthday aku xyah la dpn2 aku pon nk mintak duit kek..dh mcm tpakse beli je.org patut hepi tp ni...hampeh....xpe lah jgn la nk banding2 bufday thn2 lepas ms akan datang kite xtau mcm ne..thn depan wish pun dh ckup bemakna utk aku dpd celebrate lps tu ade ckp2 kt blakang.its not me.as conclusion never give if u don meant to give.
p/s:still besyukur masih ade kwn2 yg sudi hadiah kan sy on my bufday!reali apreciate it.
p/s:still besyukur masih ade kwn2 yg sudi hadiah kan sy on my bufday!reali apreciate it.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Hari Raya 2009
nk ucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya Aidilfitri kepada semua kawan2 dan keluarga...pls drive carefully n semoga selamat sampai di kampung halaman tercinta k...bestnye ble kt kg..rase peaceful sgt...
Saturday, September 5, 2009

arini dgn xsemena2 haku telah pegi ke sek 24 tuk gunting rambut gua..hahaha..dh lama sebenarnye nk g cut rmbut tp asyik ttangguh jer..so sempena hari ahad yg berbahagia ni gua telah memotong rmbut gua yg terlalu lame tidak disentuh..hehehe..sgt murah hnye rm9 je die gunting dan blow skali..best,ringan skit rs feel so freshh!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wedding k.u. at Setiawangsa 2009
dah dua bulan aku xupdate blog...so today aku nk update lah serba sikit tuk tatapan org ramai..hehe
dua bulan bermaksud dah dua bulan jugaklah aku praktical di company ini...Flex management sdn. bhd. atau dikenali dulu sbg festival laman..huhu.so far aku byk jgklah belajar tentang event in industry..what are real need to be this industry..laha,best,penat dan byk lg..ktrg organize one event iaitu Weddingku di Setiawangsa.Aku,nadia n lalan byk belajar,sakit ati,seronok,dpt experience br ms organize event tuh,kenal org br,kenalan baru..sumenye baru..hehehe...aku rs ktrg mmg bole pg jauh dlm bidang ni..aku la yg rase.hehehe..tp kalo ada kemahuan disitu ade jalan kan??strike for high achievement kengkawan!!!
dua bulan bermaksud dah dua bulan jugaklah aku praktical di company ini...Flex management sdn. bhd. atau dikenali dulu sbg festival laman..huhu.so far aku byk jgklah belajar tentang event in industry..what are real need to be this industry..laha,best,penat dan byk lg..ktrg organize one event iaitu Weddingku di Setiawangsa.Aku,nadia n lalan byk belajar,sakit ati,seronok,dpt experience br ms organize event tuh,kenal org br,kenalan baru..sumenye baru..hehehe...aku rs ktrg mmg bole pg jauh dlm bidang ni..aku la yg rase.hehehe..tp kalo ada kemahuan disitu ade jalan kan??strike for high achievement kengkawan!!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
WRY 662 dalam kenangan
25 june 209 at 11.20 p.m my bestfren car (zana sabah) was had an terrible accident...it happened at federal highway nearby susur pusat bandar s.alam...the car hit the divider and it thrown up at longkang...thanked god...no one was had serious injured.the driver was the cousin of the other my besfren (mamarika)he just broken at his right leg..but the car was total lost!!i couldnt believe to see infront of my eyes...it juz too sad.but the car is really tough and i believe it does save a life of 4 young people inside the car..but i still feeling lost of our BEN (the name of the car that we calling for all this time)i'll be missing you always BEN......for ana,im so sorry to see your car like that..and im also can feel what is your feeling right now...im always by urside my dear fren....u can rely on me to help you on this.for emotional support and also getting this thing over until u can get ur new car darling...BEN is part of our family...feeling so lost!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Say what has been on your mind
You've been holding back on saying what you really feel, and where has it gotten you? Take a chance today! Say what has been on your mind, no matter how much you fear that you'll stir up controversy. More people are going to agree with you than you think, and those who don't won't feel too strongly about it anyway. You should be a group leader more often, so stepping up and speaking your mind is a great way to show folks that you're ready to take the reins.
from: Horoscope for May 29, 2009
p/s: ade sape2 yg setuju??
from: Horoscope for May 29, 2009
p/s: ade sape2 yg setuju??
Monday, May 25, 2009
ari2 tgk tv
ari2 tgk tv..........dok kt kg activity aku mmg terhad.bgun pagi kol 10.mandi pastu mkan and tgk tv...hehehe.nsib baek ade astro...leh lyn hbo,cinemax and starmovie.heheeh.tgh ari skit aku g cc cur internet..hahahaha.tp ble lg aku nk wat sume ni.ble dah bz xdapek ler...biar aku nikmati ari cuti aku ngn sepuas2nye..heheheeh
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
i miss my mom so much..mlm ni aku blik kg nk jguk mak aku kat hospital.first time mak aku msuk hospital..sdey gle rase...sp yg xsedey kan? br je aku jmpa mggu lpas mak aku sihat je.this time aku blik kg sampai cuti sem abis...aku xjadi keje.aku rela dok kt umah jg mak aku dpd aku menangis terigt mak aku kt cni...ape2 pon aku ttp kena tabahkan diri aku ni..luv my mom
Monday, May 18, 2009
bestfren and men
well..lately ni i byk berdrama swasta wif my bestfren.mostly about men...hmmmm i xtau la nape we ol slalu gaduh.maybe in first place it was my fault slalu sgt give her advice and terlalu concern yg terlampau..but what fren for right?and now i know it was me should interupt so much about her personal life.she had a right to chose to have her own life and men...but now im realize that u can only juz be a fren when ur fren is asked for advice. and give them some space.and life would be more happier..when you give them a space then u know how much they appreciate and drama swasta semakin kurang...hehehe..but deep inside of me i feel like so much gap between us and we tend be apart and we will be miss a lot of hapy time togehter like the old gud days....
Friday, May 15, 2009
i just arrived at shah alam semalam...mrika pick up me at pudu.wow kl,mcm first time plak dtg kl
hahaha..first thing i nk cur ngn kwn2 yg br seminggu xjmpe,i miss them a lot...plan nk keje tp tgh menunggu org pizza col utk bkerja.hahaha....duit pon smakin susut..once i notice ble blik s.alam is about money..sb skang ni pon kena byr guna internet.hehe...but in here convenience sgt cuma perlu sediakan duit je..thats why i nk keje scepat mgkin..and have a new experience..hope org tu col la i cpat2.huhu
hahaha..first thing i nk cur ngn kwn2 yg br seminggu xjmpe,i miss them a lot...plan nk keje tp tgh menunggu org pizza col utk bkerja.hahaha....duit pon smakin susut..once i notice ble blik s.alam is about money..sb skang ni pon kena byr guna internet.hehe...but in here convenience sgt cuma perlu sediakan duit je..thats why i nk keje scepat mgkin..and have a new experience..hope org tu col la i cpat2.huhu
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
what a life.....
today last aku kt kg esk dah nk blik s.alam. Nk cr keje tk tampung expenses kt sane huhu...and i started to begin new experience and one step ahead. Sem depan dah nk pektical xkan asyik nk mntak kat parents je...so i need to have my own money to pay rent, buy petrol, makan, and lain2 seangkatan dengannya ...haha. mmg tough nk hidup kat kl ni tp i still hepi coz ade my own besfren and kwn2 sekelas yg best!life is to good to waste...doa kan i dpt keje cpt2 huhuhu
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